
Prison School

Prison School (or Kangoku Gakuen) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Hiramoto. Hachimitsu Academy, one of the strictest girls' academies in Tokyo, has decided to admit boys into their system. Kiyoshi Fujino is one of these new boys, but he discovers to his shock that he and his four friends—Takehito "Gakuto" Morokuzu, Shingo Wakamoto, Jouji "Joe" Nezu, and Reiji "Andre" Andou—are the only male students among 1,000 girls. The draconian laws that are still in place make the school even worse, which punishes even the most minor infractions with a stay in the school's prison. The five boys all commit to voyeurism in the school's bathing area with the lecherous philosophy of "all for one, one for all". Their capture and "arrest" by the Underground Student Council causes the five boys to receive an ultimatum: either stay a month in the school's Prison Block or be expelled. The boys are incarcerated in the Prison Block together and Kiyoshi is overwhelmed by the discovery that all the other boys are masochists that revel in the punishments handed to them by their attractive but vicious supervisors.

Capper: Samu
Image Dimensions: 1280x720
Capping Program: KMPlayer

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Name: The Peep Job
# of Caps: 488
File Size: 21 MB

Name: The Man Who Viewed Too Much
# of Caps: 376
File Size: 19 MB

Name: Effusion Plan
# of Caps: 426
File Size: 21 MB

Name: Take Me Out to the Sumoland
# of Caps: 437
File Size: 22 MB

Name: The School's Number One Most Treacherous Man
# of Caps: 353
File Size: 15 MB

Name: Vengeance Is Hana's
# of Caps: 377
File Size: 18 MB

Name: Meikotouille
# of Caps: 381
File Size: 19 MB

Name: The Diary of Andre
# of Caps: 417
File Size: 18 MB

Name: Blazing Fluids
# of Caps: 392
File Size: 19 MB

Name: It's a Bum-derful Life!
# of Caps: 378
File Size: 19 MB

Name: Eringy Brockovich
# of Caps: 378
File Size: 17 MB

Name: Good Morning, Prison!
# of Caps: 415
File Size: 19 MB

Name: Opening
# of Caps: 59
File Size: 20 MB

Name: Ending
# of Caps: 30
File Size: 4.7 MB

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