
Joker Game

Joker Game is a Japanese novel series written by Koji Yanagi. With World War II right around the corner, intelligence on other countries' social and economic situation has become a valuable asset. As a result, Japan has established a new spy organization known as the "D Agency" to obtain this weapon. Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Yuuki, eight agents have been assigned to infiltrate and observe some of the most powerful countries, reporting on any developments associated with the war. In order to carry out these dangerous tasks, these men have trained their bodies to survive in extreme conditions and studied numerous fields such as communications and languages. However, their greatest strength lies in their ability to manipulate people in order to obtain the information necessary to give their nation the upper hand.

Capper: Samu
Image Dimensions: 1280x720
Capping Program: KMPlayer

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Name: Joker Game (Part 1)
# of Caps: 292
File Size: 39 MB

Name: Joker Game (Part 2)
# of Caps: 240
File Size: 30 MB

Name: Miscalculation
# of Caps: 220
File Size: 26.2 MB

Name: City of Temptation
# of Caps: 244
File Size: 40.7 MB

Name: Robinson
# of Caps: 160
File Size: 20.2 MB

Name: Asia Express
# of Caps: 250
File Size: 19.5 MB

Name: Code Name: Cerberus
# of Caps: 230
File Size: 18.4 MB

Name: Double Joker (Part 1)
# of Caps: 210
File Size: 14.4 MB

Name: Double Joker (Part 2)
# of Caps: 264
File Size: 14.4 MB

Name: Pursuit
# of Caps: 248
File Size: 18.8 MB

Name: Coffin
# of Caps: 174
File Size: 11 MB

Name: Double Cross
# of Caps: 265
File Size: 19.8 MB

~ アイドル !

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